Are you ready to finally

Fill Days & make money

Choose from one of these full day workshop dates. These one day workshops are created specifically for photographers & videographers to take their business to the next level and learn first hand how you can copy our million dollar system into your own business.

These in person workshops will take place at our Leesburg studio in Northern Virginia.

Are You Ready to:

Have a full pipeline

of clients

No longer stress over where your next client will be coming from - eliminate the feast and famine cycle with our Fill Seats Make Money System.

Stop networking

to get business

Don't let anyone tell you that you have to keep networking to build a list of clients - our system shows you how you will easily book in clients without leaving your house.

Build a team so you don't have to be alone

Because you'll have a large list of clients ready to work with you, you can finally build a team to help you so you have the support you've always wanted.

Spend a whole day roleplaying...

Video courses are nice, but it can leave a lot to the imagination without someone there to allow you to practice the skills and strategies you learn.

Fill Days Make Money System

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